My New Comic Obsession.

Recently I’ve noticed that I have become pretty much infatuated with comic book movies and the characters. I mean it’s easy to see why right? The last 5 years has seen some huge blockbuster comic book movies come out. From DC’s Batman to his Marvel counterpart, Ironman, no comic book character is safe from being turned into a multi national, CGI saturated hit. And it’s easy to see why they’re doing it. Before movies and TV series portrayed the characters as comical. Comic characters. But now directors and movie producers have started to embrace the darker side to the heroes and villains in these comic books.
There was once a time when Batman was Adam West. Adam West. It is hilarious when you compare him to the muscle toting Christian Bale, but that’s exactly what needed to be done. The TV shows and the movies needed to be made serious. To be made dark. Because the comics are serious and darker than they are given credit. Let’s take Heath Ledgers portrayal as the Joker as an example. The Joker was once Jack Nicholas, and yes he plays crazy well but Ledger took the Jokers identity and character and drowned himself in it. He became the Joker. The majority of his scenes were improvised, including every scene in which he describes how he got his scars. Notice he changes the story? That’s because the Joker is so insane, he doesn’t even remember. It’s all down there in the comics. He even managed to grasp the Jokers love of anarchy and death when he doesn’t even look at his victims as he kills them almost as if to say “if he lives he lives”. So well done Heath, you will be missed!
We are also now are given full back stories to characters allowing us to skip over all the comic book editions, and to save us the reading. For example, X-Men first class explains how the divide between two formerly close friends, Professor X and Magneto. Other movies from the X-Men franchise also explains origins, such as their take on the Wolverine’s past (which in my opinion was awful and has a lot to answer for. For example it’s portrayal of Deadpool was just…well it was terrible).
But why else are they becoming so popular? Maybe because now the heroes and villains are played by actors whom are pretty attractive. You need only look to the leading actors in both Thor movies and the Avengers. Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston provide the objects of attraction for their female fans, and in here Avengers, Black Widow, played by Scarlett Johanson, whom is constantly in tight black leather I should add, serves for the make gaze. But we all know sex sells.
I believe what makes the movies and the TV shows (such as Arrow, which I’ve just started) is the fact that they appeal to long term die hard comic book fans and those who just want a good action movie. For the most part they stick to the basic story lines of the characters and choose actors to play their roles carefully to ensure this. While doing this, they maintain an atmosphere that isn’t bogged down in the need to know previous knowledge (as most is now provided in origin movies or at the very beginning in a short ten minute intro to say “this is why they’re super/angry/have daddy issues”. And it’s an effective tactic. The Avengers is one of the highest grossing movies of all time, and in 2015 the second of the Avengers movie is being released as well as the Batman vs Superman movie, which will no doubt lead on to the Justice League of America. Not to mention all the other comic movies that are being released on the side, such as the revamp of Spider-Man, Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant Man etc.
I’m really glad that these movies are being released though, because to me it’s the best way to get people interested in the true art, comedy and entertainment an individual can gather from these stories. It’s such a fabulous way to procrastinate…

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