The blog, the weekend and the wardrobe.

Well, here it is, I’ve finally gone and finished my blog page and it’s not looking too shabby if I do say so myself. I’ve been stressing over this for days now, but luckily after some handy YouTube tutorials I managed to wrestle wordpress to the ground and make myself this simple little page…well, I say make, it’s a template and all I had to do was click apply but it’s harder than you think on an iPad honestly! Anyway, welcome to my blog. Within the posts here I will be talking about most things. Things I’m interested in, things that annoy me, basically anything that fuels my rant engine (and to be honest it doesn’t take much) so every week you should be treated to at least one rant, be it print or video – that’s right, vlogs too comrades.
I chose not to video this introduction mainly due to two reasons,
1: I don’t have the right camera yet.
2: This weekend has pretty much killed me.
Yeah so I had a pretty fantastic weekend, you know since Friday was valentines and all so me and my lady had a rather marvellous meal at Yakitori#1 down at Cardiff bay and it was affordable and very tasty. And for those who love Japanese foodables, they make one amazing king prawn ramen. I mean wow, so full of flavour and lots to eat too, definitely worth £14!
We did start the date out all conventional but after ordering a bottle of wine to the table, well, we went down that slippery slope of having

a couple

at one of the many bars down at Cardiff Bay, but due to proximity, we opted for Salt. As it turns out, Salt is a bit more expensive than we first thought, and after a 3 or 4 pints for myself and a few cocktails for the lady, I discovered that a pint of Peroni was £4.70 and cocktails were I’m excess of £6.95 – ouch comes to mind right? The place itself was nice enough, and the cocktails were made fresh, but I didn’t really think the price was justified, especially when the bar itself was cold and the DJ was, let’s say,


. I do a spot of DJing myself so maybe I am a bit more sensitive to bad mixing, or bad music in general, but considering how nice


is aesthetically, it did ruin the general vibe for me. All in all though, we did have a fantastic night and we definitely suffered for it the next day! In between realising how much we’d spent and how the alcohol had essentially destroyed us physically, we were preparing ourselves for a second night. A Mexican night. With chilli, sombreros, moustaches, ponchos and of course that most insane of all Mexican themed things – TEQUILA! (Cue the music). Actually, ignore that, don’t cue the music, that music got played way too much during the consumption of tequila and it’s bringing back blurry, yet terrible memories. Mostly of the taste of tequila, and the smell of tequila. Tequila.
Surpassingly we survived it and spent all of Sunday in dressing gowns and eating subway (as is tradition after a Mexican night if course) which lead me to an idea. I could release an entire range of hangover products. An entire wardrobe designed specifically to relieve the symptoms of a hangover – such as smart clothes which adjust the temperature of your body. Foods that not only satisfy that urge to eat utter rubbish, but also cure dehydration and headaches through some miracle drugs made by blokes wearing white coats with names like Boffin and Professor (yes I believe Professor is a real name). But of course all this is but a dream, since I’m literally writing this in bed and am unable to move. Weekend, you have ruined me.


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